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Monday, September 19, 2011

♥ Learning Log 7

                                                    Learning Log 7

Like what Mrs Woo said before our performance, the Romeo And Juliet play that we have to act out will be either be a sweet memory for some or a screwed experience that some do not want to be reminded of. 

The Romeo And Juliet taught me a lot of things, especially how important it is to have good communication within a group so that misunderstanding would not happen. It was good experience anyways in spite of how nerve-wrecking it was to wait for our turn to perform which was recorded and seen by our fellow schoolmates. However, with the cheering and motivation given by them, I finally mustered up my courage to act with confidence. :)

Even though my group was the first to perform, we did it our best and it went smoothly, thankfully. Some of us forgot out lines but that was fine though, since all of us are merely humans. We had a golden opportunity to watch 2 Commitment's performances and I personally think that Group 1 from that class was the best performance I have ever seen. It was unique - both the costumes and setting - and the students acted in the play like they have done that for a long time. Our class did a fabulous job too, especially Group 3 . They were very engrossed in their acting and express the same feelings their characters were in their play, despite sometimes they forgot their lines.

I have learnt to never underestimate small roles as sometimes, small roles did more actions and appearance more than the main characters. We also need the right expressions and tone of voice so that we can evoke the same feelings Shakespeare felt when he wrote the Romeo and Juliet script. It looks easy but it took a lot of time, practice and hard work to make it all happen. :)

I recommend my juniors to do their own performance so that they will know how expressive poems, sonnets and many more are in Literature and this would also help them know each other well, especially when they are in the same class . :D

6:40 AM

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

♥ Learning Log 6

                                                        Learning Log 6

The first literary devices I've learnt before was when I was secondary one. However, they were not as difficult to understand and memorize like those literary devices I have learnt now like paradox, oxymoron and rhetorical question. All of those literary devices were hard to understand at first, but with a little effort, I managed to get a hang of it well.

In the examinations, literary devices will be tested on a certain section and is also linked to Unseen poem section. In these particular section, the poet will use chosen literary devices in his or her poem and we have to identify, explain and understand what does the literary devices and the whole passage given means. 

It maybe tough to remember the literary devices by heart but it would really be lifesaver if we knew the literary devices at our fingertips during our exams. An example of a literary device is 'hyperbole' . It is a deliberate exaggeration to emphasize a point or feelings. An example would be 'She must have weighed a ton !! ' .Although the literary devices takes time to understand and remember, it enhances the meaning of a poem and make it sounds even better . 

1:33 AM

Monday, August 1, 2011

♥ Learning Log 5

Learning Log 5

I have learnt that an Unseen Poem is a poem that one have not read it before or read through it in detail. To understand an unseen poem, first read the poem without stopping, only having a first impression and main idea of the poem. For the second reading, pick out the words and phrases that are difficult to understand or seems interesting. After figuring out the meaning of the words and phrases, read the poem once again, this time with more imagination. Take note of your feelings and which part of the poem that your attention is drawn to.

When answering to questions based on the unseen poem given, I have learnt to use the strategy 'PEEL '. Firstly, Point - what do you want to point out to answer the question, briefly. Usually using only one sentence. Secondly, Explain - explain more towards the point you mentioned above and why did you say that . Thirdly, Evidence - state the example that supports your point and elaboration. Lastly, link - explain how your point and elaboration is connected to the question given and summarise.

To quote from the unseen poem, I have leanrt the 'ABCs In Quoting' method. Firstly, Attention . It is to choose the words or phrases that draws your attention. Secondly, Brief. It is to keep the quotation short so that it would not look like a 'cut and paste' job which shows to the examiner that you do not understand the poem. Thirdly, Context . It is to contextualise evidence to make your writing flow and shows the examiner you have a good understanding of the unseen poem.

6:46 AM

Saturday, April 23, 2011

♥ Learning Log 4

                                                         Learning Log 4

What have you learnt through the performance, good practices, commendation on good work done by peers and self evaluation.

I have learnt that I have to pay more attention to my props well, especially for the sound effects. There was an incident happenned during my performance. I had saved my sound effects in my phone, not realising that I had saved them in a playlist. Soon, when the performance was coming to an end, the sound effects turned into a 'Pikachu' voice. Unfortunately, after the sound effects of thunder and lightnings, was a recording of a 'Pikachu' voice and it automatically played the 'Pikachu' recording. All of us in the room were surprised at first, then all of us burst in laughter. It was embarrassing, but we all had a good laugh after that.

All of the Macbeth performance done by our class were fantastic! Some of them did really well with their props. Melvin was amazing with the 'witch' voice. Maybe I should take lessons from him if we were given a chance to perform again. All in all, my classmates were great at acting out as the three witches in Macbeth even though there were some minor mistakes here and there. The make up done too was fabulous. It looked almost they were real witches! I loved Faisha's performance though. They put in a lot of effort on their costumes and make-ups. All of the credits would go to Nazirah as she was the one who did all of theirs and my make-ups. 

If my group was given a chance to perform again, I want to have more practices with my group members more and calm myself down before performing. I was really nervous to perform as my group was the first one to perform. In effect, I was easily swayed from focusing on the performance and forgetting my lines. It was a lot of fun, preparing and performing for the class. In a nutshell, it was a memorable experience and I hope I would prepare and do better in the upcoming Romeo And Juliet act .

3:13 AM

Sunday, March 6, 2011

♥ Learning Log 3

                                                         Learning Log 3

When Mrs Woo, my Literature teacher used her infamous 'Number Selector' - which I dreaded the most - to choose my members for the presentation of the three witches in Macbeth, I expected the worst. However,Lady Luck was on my side that day as my partner  ,Xuan Yun, was in the same group as me. Ken,too was in the same group . I'm thankful as my group members are those who are quite 'sporting' - perfect for presentation . I hope that all my group members will have a smooth-sailing presentation and none of us will have any problems and overcome our fear of 'stage fright' though I'm a bit anxious for the presentation .
Then it was group discussion on the comic strip we are going to draw on what happened in Act 1 Scene 2. Shi Yao's idea to draw the comic was genius so I used some of her ideas to 'enhance' my comic strip main idea. I didn't know I couldn't draw anything but cartoons until this activity popped up. It was interesting hearing the other group member's main idea of Act 1 Scene 2 . Act 1 Scene 2 was actually about King Duncan being updated about two wars that Macbeth was leading by a bleeding captain . Macbeth won both wars courageously and got the title 'Thane of Cawdor' for his braveness .
About the lesson on Act 1 Scene 2, to be honest, it was quite dry and even after going through the passage, some of my classmates were still blur on what happened in a summary. To me, it takes 5 times for me to read again and again to understand fully what Act 1 Scene 2 is all about .  I had to always refer to the modern text as the original text was confusing me a lot . It was a headache at first, but it was a major relief to understand Act 1 Scene 2 by heart .

1:16 AM

Saturday, February 19, 2011

♥ Learning Log 2

Learning Log 2

Witches (Demonstration By Peers}

On our last lesson in class, some of us were chosen to demonstrate how the 3 evil witches of MacBeth sounded like . However, none of them could beat Mrs Woo , our Literature teacher, who sounded funny and weird with one moment, her voice is high-pitched and another, with her voice low-pitched .It was hilarious and our class went hysterical,laughing with our classmates who were being the three witches . Actually, It was harder than it sounds to present in front of the whole class, acting like one of the witches as you need to set your voice right or you will end up straining your voice. It was embarrassing at first for those who presented it, but it was worth the applause .

Discussion On Superstitions 

During this discussion, I was amazed. There were so many superstitions that I was unaware of ! I learnt a lot and at the same time,curious what is the reason behind these superstitions. However, I don't really believed in superstitions but I do believed in karma. Do good things and people will do good things to you.^^ Some superstitions which I never heard before like "When two moths fly to your room at the same time, a dead family member of yours is hungry" spooked me out a little. However, we can't entirely believe in superstitions.

Today's Presentation 

Same goes to the discussion in a group, I was surprised to know those superstitions I was unaware of and in a way, it was interesting. Some superstitions come from anywhere in the world and some remained as a mystery why and what does it mean but probably that is how those superstitions are created .

10:16 PM

Saturday, January 22, 2011

♥ Learning Log 1

Learning Log 1

What have you learnt about Cinquain Poem?

I have learnt how to write, read and understand a cinquan poem. Cinquan poem is actually a five-lined poem which consist of the title in the first line, the description of the title in the second line, the actions describing the title in the third line, your feeling for the title given in the fourth line and lastly, a word to summarise the whole poem up on the last line.

Comments About The Lesson ?

We had to do a group assignment on a title anything under the sun but writing it out in a cinquain poem. Although there was not enough time to discuss what topic we are writing about, we quickly decided on the title and get on with it . As most of my group members are shy and quiet, this was the time to express their thoughts with each other and by this way, we learnt our strength and flaws in Literature, specifically on Cinquan poems. It was quite interesting, hearing my members' ideas on what topic we would write about .

Suggestions For Improvements ?

I guess we could paste our very own cinquain poem on the walls in our classroom so that our other classmates could see what topic we wrote about and some Cinqauin poems made by some groups are excellent and beautifully decorated and it will be great to paste it on the wall to let everyone see .

10:21 PM

♥ theGrumpyToast ;

      theGrumpyToast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

      ♥nurulkaiyisahbtemohdlatip . :)
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